Rain will start tomorrow, so today was my final painting excursion of this vacation week. The sky was full of perfect clouds today. The painting on top was done on Green Valley Road in Sebastopol; the other painting was done overlooking the Laguna down the road from Analy High School. Yesterday, I began using a different, lighter yellow: cadmium yellow light, as recommended by artist Kevin Macpherson for a limited palette. For both these paintings, I used only 4 colors---the cadmium yellow light, along with ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson, and titanium white. It makes the whole process simpler to use so few colors, without really limiting any color possibilities for the paintings, since so many colors can be mixed from those four. |
¿El de arriba es el mismo que le vas a aregalar a Gery? El cielo parace igual, pero el resto no. Crear los propios colores combinando sólo 4 es algo mágico, maravilloso. Mucho mejor que tener muchos colores ya hechos y simplemente matizarlos. Se me está acabando ya el azul ultramarino. debe ser que es el que más se usa. Qué ilusión me hace que se acabe mi primer color!! Somos unas privilegiadas. Lola