Painted on Wohler Road; acrylic on gessoboard. I have used gessoboard only a few times, but I like its smooth surface much more than canvas. It's more expensive, so I want to experiment with having boards cut at a hardware store & applying coats of gesso myself to save money. Used the actual palette of my pochade box as a palette for the first time. I had thought it would be too small, so I was putting down foil and just disposing of a layer whenever I needed new space. I found today, however, that since my paintings are so small, I don't need much space to mix paint, so it worked great! |
Me gusta la sensaciĆ³n de que hay un claro de luz sobre la tierra, como si el sol se filtrara entre las nubes sobre una parte del campo. Estoy deseando verlos al natural. Bs. Lola